Privacy policy
Novembre 21, 2023
1. Preamble
Fumoir Grizzly cares about protecting your privacy and the personal information it collects on its Web site or through any other technological means, uses or communicates to third parties in the course of its activities. This Policy describes how Fumoir Grizzly protects the personal information it holds, taking into account the requirements of applicable privacy laws to which it is subject, as well as any other applicable laws and regulations in this matter. This Policy does not apply to information that is considered public information under applicable legislation.
2. Introduction
Fumoir Grizzly also attaches great importance to the confidentiality and protection of the personal data and information of its employees and partners. This Policy is intended to ensure that anyone with authority or access to employee and partner data treats such information confidentially and securely.
3. Definitions
3.1. Data and information
This refers to all personal and professional data, including identification information, compensation data, evaluations of performance, medical history, complaints, financial data, navigation data or other confidential information associated with them.
3.2. Persons with authority or access to data/information
This includes superiors, members of management, the human resources department, the sales department or any other person with access to confidential data and information as part of their roles and responsibilities as assigned by the company.
4. Commitment to confidentiality
Persons with authority or access to data and information are bound by professional secrecy and to treat such information as confidential. This implies :
4.1. Non-disclosure
These individuals must refrain from disclosing, sharing or selling data and information concerning employees, partners and the company to unauthorized third parties, unless required by law or if authorized by the individual concerned or management. In addition, Fumoir Grizzly obtains your consent before collecting, using or disclosing your personal information to third parties, except when required by law.
Fumoir Grizzly also ensures that third parties with whom it does business protect the confidentiality of personal information to which they have access.
4.2. Appropriate use
Data and information on employees, partners and the company, as well as any data collected via the website, may only be used within the framework of the authorized person’s professional responsibilities and in the legitimate interests of the employee, the partner concerned or the company.
4.3. Data security
Authorized persons must respect the security measures in place to prevent unauthorized access, loss, disclosure or destruction of employee, partner and company data and information. This includes the use of secure passwords, encryption of sensitive data and physical protection of data carriers.
4.4. Information collected by the website
We use the expertise of third parties to help us provide our services, including hosting our website. These third-party service providers may use ” cookies ” or other technology to collect information about your use of our services or website, including your IP address, device identification number, pages viewed and clicked links. Our service providers include Google Analytics, from which you may opt out. We automatically collect information when you visit our websites in order to personalize your experience.
5. Limited access
Authorized persons must limit access to data and information on employees, partners and the company to only those who need access for legitimate business reasons, using security measures (physical, technical or administrative) appropriate to the nature of the data and information.
6. Awareness
We are committed to raising the awareness of all employees in positions of authority or with access to confidential data and information at the time of hiring. This awareness will cover the fundamental principles of data confidentiality as well as the consequences of a breach of this Policy.
7. Disciplinary measures
Failure to comply with this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment, in accordance with the company’s disciplinary policies. Please refer to the Disciplinary Management Process section of the Employee Manual.
8. Contact person
You may contact us regarding this Confidentiality policy regarding personal information, or make comments, exercise your rights, or file a complaint by contacting the President, Laura Boivin, at
9. Changes to the policy
The employer reserves the right to modify this policy at any time, according to the company’s needs and in compliance with applicable laws. Employees and partners will be informed of any changes to the Confidentiality policy regarding personal information.